We have a whole new look over here! Come check it out!
If you've been wondering where I've been lately, I've been working hard on a new site design, and I am so excited about it! The former design was largely coded by yours truly (I cannot even tell you how unqualified I am to do this), and while it was functional, it wasn't the most user-friendly or intuitive.
The new design is brought to you by the Seasoned Pro theme from Feast Design Inc. (which you can learn more about here if you're interested). It is so clean!

Let's do some before/afters, because they are fun!
The recipe index is much more user-friendly and easier to navigate. You can filter recipes so easily!
The home page is now a much better use of space. It consists of a mix of the most recent posts, and easy-to-find featured pages so you can see what's new and also find what you're looking for in minimal clicks.
The sidebar has turned into a pretty fun collection of things to check out. You can find the current most popular posts there, as well as a collection of seasonal content. This is currently "Holiday Entertaining" with menu ideas for your Thanksgiving/Christmas table. I'm planning to update this every 3-4 months. I love celebrating the seasons, so am really excited to curate and feature seasonal posts here!

I think my favorite new feature is the "what should I make for dinner button." Click it, and you'll be taken to a random dinner recipe on the site. I'm going to warn you that it's kind of addictive.

I hope you love the new design as much as I do!
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