As promised, a post all about our shared baby and toddler room set up!
A caveat to tell you that I put off moving our baby into our toddler's room for as long as possible because I was so hung up on the idea that their bedtimes had to be staggered (which they were not and I didn't know how to make them be!) or else no one would sleep ever again.
But eventually our hand was forced when our baby was stirring at seemingly even the sound of bare feet on carpet as we snuck into our room every night.
I'd say the line between room sharing with your baby being enjoyable and it being highly unpleasant is when your baby wakes at any sound and is then able to stand up in his/her crib and look at you. The line had been crossed and we were READY.
So we went for it and it was seamless. Seamless, I say! There have been a couple of nights since we made the move where the shenanigans have gotten out of hand and parental intervention has been required, but overall it has gone swimmingly.
All this to say that if you're waiting for the perfect time to move your baby into your toddler's room, my advice is to just give it a try. You might be surprised by how well your kids do!
Our Shared Baby + Toddler Room Set Up
My number 1 goal for this room was to prioritize sleep. Which, as far as furniture arrangements go, meant keeping the beds as far away from each other as possible. So, they're on opposite walls.
I kept the crib against the wall closest to the door (which has been good for quickly grabbing the baby without disturbing the toddler).
There was much consideration when deciding between a toddler bed and a twin for our toddler. For a whole bunch of (mostly boring and highly subjective) reasons, we decided on a toddler bed. We all - toddler included - are happy with it!
Diapering + Storage
It's always amazing how you can organize and reorganize to make more space for stuff. Before our baby was born, this room was filled out with just our oldest's things and I was sure that we would be busting at the seams trying to fit a WHOLE NOTHER PERSON in here.
But then I dug in and things got shuffled around and everything fits and it was no big deal.
The dresser is the real MVP here. We have one drawer for baby clothes, one for toddler clothes, and the third is for diapering supplies and linens.
The closet in here is a decent size which is so nice for storage! They both have some clothes hanging up here. We also have an 8-cube Kallax where we store extra diapers and wipes, out of season clothes, and things that have been outgrown and are waiting to be stored more long-term.
Because books and story time are a major feature of the bedtime experience!
We did display shelves for books which I love! I like that it's not all the books we own that we're choosing from every day - We swap out books based on seasons/interests, and it's not an overwhelming decision for anybody (usually).
Plus, we all love children's book art so it is fun to see it on display!
The boys' room is my favorite room in our whole house! I spend far more time keeping this room looking good than my own because it brings me so much joy. Boyhood, I love it all!
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