Truth time: I only like bananas in candy form (because Laffy Taffy counts as a banana, right?) or in banana bread.
There is something about the texture of a banana that is just a NO for me. Every couple years, I force myself to eat one, thinking, “I’m an adult, I need to like bananas, potassium is important, blahblahblah”. But I gag and dry heave the whole time and it’s an unpleasant experience for all involved.
Husband loves bananas and I am so jealous because they’ve gotta be the easiest fruit to eat and so cheap! Plus I’ve always wanted to chime in on conversations about what is the perfect ripeness (green? yellow? slightly speckled?). Oh, well. Guess I’ll just stick to my Runts.
Oh yeah, and my BANANA BREAD.
All of the banana flavor I love, none of the gaggy mouthfeels.
I've made a lot of banana bread over the years, but am partial to this recipe because it uses melted butter! I just think that is the easiest and makes for a loaf with amazing texture and flavor. WIN. The outside of this also gets all browned and crisp and the inside is banana-y goodness.
Do we have strong feelings about chocolate chips in our banana bread? I am firmly in the ‘pro’ camp, although I’ve heard some people find chocolate chips make banana bread too much of a dessert item and not enough of a breakfast item, but I eat cake for breakfast anytime it’s available, so I really don’t trust myself to make that decision.
If you’re not into chocolate in your banana bread, you can use nuts. If you love all the things, definitely do BOTH. If you’re a purist, that’s okay too. Live your best banana bread life.
Adapted from Simply Recipes.
bmedinawrites says
Gahhhhhh those buttery slices have me drooling! Can't wait to try this as the weather starts to cool down! Thanks so much for sharing.