I am sort of hesitant to keep calling this room "the nursery" because when I think of nurseries I think of squishy swaddled newborns and not rambunctious baby boys who can do things like scoot around and get into things. But I'm going to do it anyway!
Why are we just now finishing the nursery? Because we moved when our baby was 7 weeks old and had had him in our room in our old house (which you can read about here).
And then we did move and had a billion things going on and the nursery came together very slowly.
I told you all about our plans for the nursery here. The biggest thing we planned on changing was to get a dresser that we could also use as a changing table. This did not happen! Which tragically means we haven't been to IKEA.
Since we had trouble even fitting all of the furniture we currently own in our apartment, we really couldn't justify getting MORE furniture. And also given the old adage of "if it ain't broke don't fix it" could be on our family crest, it just really didn't make sense to get a different dresser when we already had one that was functional.
So furniture got rearranged and I think this is a prime example of how moving things around can make a huge difference in a room. Some other decor/functional items were added, and it now feels like a completed room!
My favorite additions to the nursery include:
- The chair! We didn't have a chair in here for a long time after we moved in. When baby needed to eat at night, I would go get him, bring him to our room, feed him in bed, then take him back to his crib. This was TOO MUCH walking in the middle of the night. Also something about watching Josh sleep while I was up for the third time did nothing good for the morale of the household. 10/10 recommend a comfy chair in the nursery.
- The art above the crib. I think this is the cutest! I first saw it at Hobby Lobby soon after I learned I was pregnant and deliberated buying it for well over a year. Must learn to be more decisive.
- The plants! This room is pretty neutral and grey (which I like) and looks a little flat without plants (which I don't like). A big plant would look REALLY GOOD by the crib. But we will see how the smaller plants fare before going big.
- The mobile. This was a nursery item that I inexplicably needed to have, and this one is so cute! Baby (and the cats) are endlessly entertained by it.
- Light-blocking curtains. They work so well!
- The DIY wall art to cover the annoying fuse box. Cute and quick and budget-friendly!

Step Stool | The Going to Bed Book | Goodnight Moon | Moo Baa La La La | The Biggest Story

I dig how soft and cute this room is, while also not being overpoweringly babyish. It serves us and Baby so well!

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